Dear colleagues,

Welcome to this site about psychopharmacology and ethnicity: feel free to navigate around and let us know your opinion, suggestions, and all you may consider to be an improvement of this site, both content related issues as well as improvements that can be made regarding lay-out, style and colours: contact.

A campaign will be launched in order to raise funds to professionalize and institutionalize this initiative. Funding will make it possible to improve the technological aspects as well as its content. In addition, it will be possible to develop apps for android, apple and windows mobile smart phones.

Approximately 30 to 40 entries will be added to this site monthly, once funded this speed will increase significantly.

Scholars, scientists, clinicians and others are invited to suggest additional relevant published papers. These papers will be reviewed carefully by the editor and useful evidence-based information will be added to the knowledge-base of this site. Contributors should keep in mind that only papers published in high-standard (preferably peer-reviewed) scientific journals are taken into consideration.

I sincerely hope that this site will be supportive in your clinical work with your patients from different ethnic backgrounds. I presume this site will make a modest but important contribution to the improvement of our pharmacological interventions for our ethnically diverse patients.

Dr. Mario H. Braakman, M.D., PhD., Editor